In order to renew the current Rehabilitation Center (for IDF Disabled Soldiers and Veterans with spinal cord and multiple traumas) at Hadassah Mount Scopus, Hadassah International Israel is looking for – you! With your donation, Hadassah can establish a well-coordinated multidisciplinary rehabilitation center, which combines all required medical services available in Hadassah. This will place the disabled at the heart of the care system so that all available services are a “one stop shop”.
The planned new Rehabilitation Center will include:
- unique and multi-disciplinary evaluation for the construction of optimal treatment plans. This evaluation will be based on the state-of-the-art technologies supplying quantitative and precise biomechanical data.
- The treatment methods will be applied via robotic, virtual reality, self-training systems and highly motivating games, etc.
- Cognitive rehabilitation process including long term, patient-specific psycho-cognitive treatment.
- Occupational therapy center designed to adapt the home environment, vehicle, workplace and more to the patient’s special needs.
Take a “new step” and imprint your Footmark in the Philanthropists Boulevard among Israel’s Defense leaders:
For more information or for becoming a sponsor or a donor for the new Rehabilitation Center, please contact the Hadassah International Israel Office at hiioffice@hadassah.org or + 972 2 6779406.
Or DONATE directly online NOW – thank you!