To bridge the gaps between pediatric emergency room and community medical care, Hadassah’s Emergency Room (ER) chiefs reached out to neighborhood physicians and medics to share information and initiate a dialogue.
Dr. Saar Hashavya, who heads Pediatric Emergency Services at Hadassah Hospital- Ein Kerem, and Chief Emergency Room Nurse Pnina Sharon, as well as Prof. Eitan Kerem, head of Hadassah’s Pediatrics Division, saw this as an opportunity to get feedback from community doctors and medics who routinely care for Jerusalem’s youngsters. They wanted to let them know about the care Hadassah provides once their patients reach the ER.
Hadassah’s pediatric emergency rooms treat over 30,000 patients every year. The message Hadassah’s experts sought to convey was, “We’re here for you and we want you to feel part of Hadassah,” explains Dr. Hashavya. “Hadassah’s roots are in community medicine, and we feel good joining hands with the larger Jerusalem community,” he added. “That means that when doctors refer a patient to us, we want to report back to them, both with our initial findings and follow-up.”
Among the Hadassah specialists who addressed the group were a pediatric neurosurgeon, cardiologist, dermatologist, emergency care physician, and an intensive care specialist. Diverse topics were covered, including screening children at risk, heart problems in children, new thinking in regard to epilepsy, as well as snake and insect bites. The topics had been suggested by community and drop-in clinic physicians, as well as health care professionals who care for patients in the ambulance.
“Our relationship with the community pediatricians is of key importance,” comments Prof. Kerem. “We would like them to use Hadassah Pediatrics as a resource for their daily activities and in emergency situations. Likewise, we have a lot to learn from them about what is happening in the community.”